The city of Ogdensburg is set to demolish the Shade Roller factory,
which contains several buildings that have harmful materials. Some of these
materials consist of lead based paint and asbestos. Breathing asbestos fibers can cause a buildup of scar-like tissue in
the lungs, which is called asbestosis. This can result in loss of lung function
that often progresses to disability and death. Asbestos also causes lung cancer
and other diseases such as mesothelioma. Also it is reported that there may
have been pollution at the site from improper removal of petroleum products and
heavy metals. The articles focus is on demolishing this factory and restoring
the waterfront. Care must be taken in the careful demolishing of these
buildings so that the water will not be polluted and hurt the fishing
community. Also care must be taken in protecting the workers that are doing the
asbestos removal. I’m sure that there are strict rules and precautions to help
protect them, but it still put them at a higher risk. Also all of the asbestos
must be removed before they tear down the buildings to prevent any of it from
getting in the air and possibly spreading it around if there is a strong wind.
Again I’m sure that all safety measures will be upheld and these are not real
issues however it is a concern.
This article addresses the issues of worker health in rural areas that we have discussed in a variety of ways. This not only addresses the health of the workers who worked there before it was closed, but also the workers helping to tear it down and those people working and living in the nearby areas, especially since this factory is along the waterfront. It is amazing how one building and the hazards it contains could have a potential negative influence on the health and lives of so many people.